Thursday Bible Study, 26th January, 2023


Nowadays the list of global threats ranging from war, civil unrest, natural disaster on land and sea, terrorism, failure of governments, violence, and crime is heard everywhere. Suffice this to mean, people have transitioned into 2023 with great anxiety and fear and we all transitioned into 2023 with hope for things to change, or even a better world and rest from these threats. However, there is no such promise as a world free of trouble – In fact, we were told to expect them but admonished to be strong in our faith and trust God (John 16: 33; 1 Pet. 4: 12, 5: 8-9; Rev. 2: 10; Rom. 8: 18) The book of Exodus and Joshua connects the transition of Israel from bondage to settlement and rest and underscores rest to be the result of victory or freedom from something including sin to possession of inheritance and rest. The events of their transition throws light on the power of God to release us from threats into victory, possession, and rest. But what kind of rest does the Bible promised in Canaan? Today`s study, will review the situation of the Israelites in Exodus to help us remember God`s word to Joshua, how the Israelites obeyed and cross the Jordan to encourage us on how to live faithfully in this world while looking forward to God`s promised joyful rest to those who believe and trusted Him.

  1. Transition is a part of life as the passage for our study highlights a transition in the lives of the Israelites. The passage has helped to introduce us to useful ideas and point out the fact that nations, families, and individuals go through transition.

    A. Mention a few transition that a nation, group of people or an individual may experience and the possibility of barriers against achieving expected goals.

    B. Comment on the statement, transitioning isn`t necessarily a straight line of action and does not usually follow a direct route.

    C. In Josh. 3: 5-17, what command did God gave Joshua or a combination of things the Israelites should do to make sure things follow up well in their transition from slavery into freedom in the promised land. Discuss the implication of each command.

  2. Read the detailed instruction about the Passover in Exo. 12: 1-14. Analyze any of the pieces and discuss anything significant about this life changing command. Discuss why it challenged and motivated their action.

    A. According to Exodus 12: 1-14, to start Israel`s life as a nation, what divine degree was set by God as the beginning of the religious Calendar of the Israelites?

    B. What life changing promise(s) did God make to the Israelites, and what does that Calendar and selected day marked for the Israelites?

    C. Consider what the Israelites did during harsh treatment in Exo. 1: 8-14; 1: 15-21; 2: 1-4; Heb. 11: 23 and use Gen. 1: 28; 9: 1 to explain why the Israelites did what they did, and why they remained faithful to God`s command.

  3. One of the reasons for Pharoah to release the Israelites was repeated in Exodus 8:1 and Exo. 9:1 respectively. Read Exodus 12: 31-33 and justify God`s action including the value He attaches to worshipping Him in Exodus 12: 23-30.

    A. People usually make life changing resolution(s) at the beginning of every year. What goals and resolution(s) have you set and how do you plan to achieve them?

    B. Read Psa. 119: 11; 1 Tim. 4: 8; 1 Corinth. 15: 58; Heb. 10: 24-25: Ephe. 5: 22-33; 2 Corinth. 7: 1, Prov. 3: 5-6; 1 Pet. 5: 5-7 to help you keep your resolutions

  4. Reflecting on the idea that God rested from His work of creation in Gen. 2: 1-3, what do you usually do for rest when you get tired from work and how is that particularly helpful to you that you can encourage others?

    A. In giving the Israelites the promised Land, God went ahead and defeat their enemies and gave them rest. Reading from Heb. 4: 8-9, today, how can we enter God`s rest?

    B. There`s no mystery here about crossing the Jordan other than simple obedience. The Bible state explicitly what happened when we sinned. Think about and discuss spiritual implication of the sin of deception as a stronghold from forefather`s in Gen.12: 10-20, 26: 1-11, 27: 1-40; 37: 12-36, and compare it with the richness of the heritage of faith in 2 Timothy 1: 5

    C. Are there things you cling unto that has not allow you to trust and follow Jesus?