
Rev. Dr. Peter Johnson

Rev. Dr. Peter Johnson and Wife


Rev. Dr. Peter Johnson was born and raised in Nigeria. He was called to ministry shortly after college because God was pointing to difficulties and dangers people face without Christ. Still, the effect is great! Though he was weary of the excuses people give, he also had excuses responding to God`s calling His excuse was that college experience in Tech/Mech in automobile could do nothing. He feels something more should be done, and theologians alone should emphasize the church task on mission. God demolished the inaction and he responded to God`s call for ministry while in Nigeria during a church mission week. With a blend of a clear passion for spiritual and ministry preparation, the church leadership persuaded him to go to the seminary.

The story is now into years when one approach his calling and ministry outline from the first seminary training at the ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, Kwara state Nigeria. Today, perhaps greater than he ever had known is role in partnership with Vision Ministries Canada (VMC). Prior to that, Dr. Johnson served as ECWA pastor in Abuja for some time. In addition to serving as a pastor, he preached, teach counsel and witness Christ widely in Nigeria. He also did church planting before moving to the USA to study at Gordonconwell Theological Seminary in Boston Massachusetts and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest in North Carolina. Something he learned through the years is there`s no example enough to describe the things that happened with people every week outside the church. The example is endless, and the church must focus attention and rise to its missionary task through teaching and discipling to train members to exercise their God given part in ministry before the return of Christ.

In respect to family, the heart of which he will not ignore is spending time with his family. Dr. Johnson and his wife have passion for children and love to equip and prepare church members to be committed to God`s designed calling and flourish in the context of church planting for the purpose of God`s mission.