The Pioneers: Assuming it was a mistake

Pioneering reflects the idea of exploring or settling in a new area to start something new. The process can be complex and at times, fruitful. Sometimes the pioneering work has been stopped because the process is hard, like groundbreaking. Pioneering work may involve leaving one`s country of origin and the city where one was born and was nurtured. To leave family and friends to start something new can be difficult. As you know, people don`t like to venture into trying something that is filled with the unknown. It`s well known that man by nature would like to focus on doing things that are suitable and comfortable. What do you think is the hard work of pioneers? Some say it revolves around providing the necessities of life. That may be true. But you can feel differently! Among the major obstacles; sickness, diseases, and loss of life are probably what most pioneers fear. Walter Gowans, Rowland Bingham, and Thomas Kent were pioneers in the field of mission. They first settled in northern Nigeria, known as the Sudan in 1893. Most of the people in the north were farmers. It was a large population that could feed most of the people in the country. The story of Gowans, Bingham and Kent are important to hear because they are people who began to develop something new and prepare the way for Nigerians to follow. The whole story began when the mother to Walter Gowans, Mrs. Margaret Gowans refused herself sleep because she cared about what she read concerning the people in Northern Nigeria. Mrs. Margaret Gowans was praying from her home in Toronto Canada. With many different words that are in her vocabulary, she prayed and cried. It was a deliberate but constant prayer. She was not eloquent by the world’s standard, Margaret prayed beside her bed. She did not offer hundreds of words in prayer. Rather, her prayer was simple and direct. “Oh God, send someone to the Sudan!” she yelled. In less than no time, her prayer was heard. It is your son Walter that should go, God answered! Was this a good sentence, or something she was expecting to hear from God? After all, children were responsible for chores. Walter spent his days helping the family; the choice for him to remain in Toronto was not available. Likewise, for many of us choices are not always available in every situation. They followed the passion God has put in their heart even though the context was unfamiliar. What do you think God is like? Besides, do you have the idea about God in heaven? How Many Times Have You Tried Something? What happened to Mrs. Gowans happened so you could read this story whether you are relaxing on Lake Ontario with all the recreational opportunities it provides: boating, fishing, swimming, walking, beachcombing, bird watching, playing, and sunbathing. All these activities you can enjoy in Port Credit, Mississauga. However, care must be taken to avoid the danger that recreation is intended to solve your problems and the worries you anticipate about the end of life and what follows afterwards. For example, many get their brains tired after churning possible solutions to convince themselves that nothing follows death. Bingham understood human sufferings. In broken health, he returned to Toronto with sad news for Mrs. Gowans concerning the death of her son. Maybe, at some point he was discouraged. Nevertheless, he did not remain doubtful about the fact that human effort is often only justified through hardship and great persistence. He experienced death of colleagues on his second journey to the Sudan and persisted in going a third time. What could have caused Bingham to persevere? It was a firm conviction and passion for the souls of Nigerians, that they would be named in Christ! No wonder, when the news got to Mrs. Gowans that her son could not make it, she said, “It’s better to have him die in the will of God than at home disobeying God.” Connecting With the Current Reality Bingham remained in the front of Nigerian Evangelical History. They preached the Gospel and started Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). Initially, it was Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA). In addition, a university is named after Bingham in Abuja, Nigeria (Bingham University). It stretches the mind seeing ECWA now in Toronto. The mission was successful with about Ten Million active members today! What do you think? How do you feel? Are you having anxiety about your future and what to do? Would you want to remain in fear and doubt about trusting there is God in heaven who created you and the world you are living in?

The Big Question

What is the wisdom of trying repeatedly to reach success? People ask this same question when there is repeated: failure, abuse, sickness, hatred, suffering, marital or parental problems, divorce, rejection, unexpected tragedy and so on. Bingham believed a man can succeed after trying a few more times. If you must try anything once again, what would that be? A lot more people have tried going to church after Covid rules were relaxed. Maybe you no longer go to church because you may have accepted the idea that doing acts of goodness or charity is a way to please God or to find a way into heaven. God has not promise entry into heaven on human effort. He provided the way into heaven through a sacrifice. The sinless sacrifice of Christ`s life. The pioneers went to the Sudan because they heard God. “Today, if you hear His voice, speaking in your heart, do not harden your heart”, (Hebrews 4:7). God has more to say and do for you than to offer you a better life in this world! They went because millions were without Christ, and like many today, they are trying everything to please God which is not possible. Are you right with God? Are you trying to do your best or have a religion that supports the claim that by doing good you can enter heaven? “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:16). Good works were not intended to take us into heaven; they are supposed to be the result of our being accepted by God because we believe in Christ. For Jesus is “the Way and the Truth and the Life; No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to God. You may criticize the claim as well! Assuming that is true, imagine what we are doing to ourselves without Christ. Does the story of the pioneers surprise you? Probably not, but have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? In case you are looking for a church and want us to follow up with you, below is our address which can serve as your personal invitation – Website:

Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA),

Invites You to Join Us Every Sunday at 2.00pm

In the Westedge Church Building

157 Lakeshore Road West, Port Credit - Mississauga, ON L5H 1G3