Theme - For the vision is yet for an appointed time, Hab 2:3


The text for our study is a letter to a faithful Christian leader named Gaius that demonstrates the idea that the Church(es) today needs Christian leaders who will endeavor to live the life of bold faith, taking on challenges and showing commitment to a cause greater than themselves. Clearly seen, apostolic leadership is not value neutral looking at how the bible grounded the concept of the office to Christ in Acts 1: 12 – 26. Unquestionably, despite our inability to comprehend the incarnation, John uses the verbs, “heard,’ “have seen,” ‘have looked upon, “and “touched,” to stress the historical manifestation of the Christ in 1 John 1: 1 - 4.

Similarly, as we note in 2 John, the writer introduced himself as the elder probably before he wrote to Gaius in 3 John, and the central idea that stood out is we cannot rule out his apostleship by the fact that news about what was happening was brought to John concerning the church, especially Diotrephes whose behavior was not Christlike and who was not impressed by John`s credentials as an apostle. Taking the Bible together, John as an apostle is task with the responsibility to protect the truth of the gospel and to raise believers up until they become loyal to the gospel. To put it succinctly, John`s eyes were always on the well-being of the church because of the enemies of the cross, he emphasized the truth in his writings as the standard to judge every doctrine taught by travelling missionaries among the Churches, particularly the Gnostics who didn`t believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

Undoubtedly, what Diotrephes was doing as mentioned in our text is not going to stop overnight. Hence, John wrote to Gaius acknowledging his good conduct and promised to visit and call to account what Diotrephes was doing, his egotistical and self -centered behavior, his evil words and action that has endangered the reputation of the gospel and the unity of the church. So, John`s visit is purely on moral ground, he feels obligated to put Diotrephes in his proper place, encourage Gaius and Demetrius along with those who uphold the truth. This means, John envisages a danger and if we must succeed as a people with a mission in church planting, we must study and meditate on the content of 3 John about compromising integrity and to teach ourselves the importance of leadership in God`s work and mission that certain behaviors cannot be tolerated within the bounds of true apostolic and church leadership.


1. Leaders are said to lead, initiate ideas and plans, and move people in the direction to follow by showing them consideration and affirmation.

A. In view of the above statement, comment on what John did that suggest that upholding the truth of the gospel is a huge responsibility of a true Christian leadership?

B. Thoughtfully read the mode of John and Paul in their letters from 3 John 2 - 4 and Galatians 4: 19 – 20. Who wrote from the agony of a broken heart, and what has puzzled your mind about the pain that resulted when physical and spiritual growth is interrupted – Sincerely measure each.

C. John has shown responsibility by praying affectionately for the physical and spiritual well-being of Gaius in 3 John 2- 4. Concerning John`s prayer, what have you recognized that you would want to comment that`s important to note.

2. Considering the attitude of Diotrephes in 3 John 9 – 10, what can you say to convince someone that John was following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and his exercise of his apostolic authority demonstrate Christian leadership.

A. Assume Diotrephes had encountered Paul and was influenced by his letter to the Philippians in Phil. 1: 27 – 28, mention three characteristics that is capable of changing Diotrephes so John would not call attention to his conduct during his visit.

B. Galatians 2: 1 - 10 state Paul`s equality and reasons for returning to Jerusalem. What`s the author`s intent since Paul was not dependent on the Apostles in Jerusalem according to Gal. 1: 11 – 24.

C. From 1 Sam. 16: 1 - 13, 1 Corinth. 1: 26 – 31 and James 4: 4 - 6, what probably have you seen as important factors that should shape people`s conception about leadership

3. According to Gal. 1: 1 - 13; Acts 26: 15 – 23, discuss and share why Paul`s calling and message about the truth has never given way to false teachers.

A From Acts 11: 27 – 30, Rom. 15: 25 – 27 and Rom. 15: 25 – 27, what have you found that describes the apostle`s attitude and goes to show that fellowship of Christians goes beyond agreement on doctrinal issues

B. Evil can be applied to the realm of spirits 1 John 4: 1 - 6, to Satan 1 John 5: 18 -20– 19. Consider Gal. 3: 1, describe the problem and how that has caused so much confusion in Christianity today.

C. According to Matt. 19: 16 - 25 and Matt. 12: 33 – 37 and 3 John 11, why is there so much confusion, increasing evil and the imitation of evil in churches and the world today.

4. Since in Paul’s day, central part of Turkey was known as Galatia which became a province of Roman empire about 25 BC and included Derbe, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch of Pisidia,

A. As we round our study, what practical example have you to prove the problem in Galatia according to Gal. 1: 6 - 9 is still with us.

B. In Gal. 1: 13 – 14, Paul speaks about his former life. From how Paul describes it, mention anytime you believed in something wrong and discuss what happened that you could refer to it as your former life because of Christ.

5. Read 3 John 9 and describe with examples in your own words the statement that Diotrephes loved to be the first.

A. When we hear false teachers or the misuse of authority, we think of it outside the church. But our text happened within the body of believers. Without John`s love for the truth and the corrective measures he took, what could possibly happen?

B. Discuss in your own words what Paul says in Phil. 2: 3 – 11 and use it to explain why people despise authority, what confident assurance can you find from the life of Christ that should keep you focus on the things that glorify God.