Thursday Bible Study, 29th September, 2022


Text: Acts 16 - 17: 1-10; 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12

The Book of Acts 16 - 17: 1-10 gives us context for our study about Paul`s visit and ministry to Thessalonica during his first missionary visit in 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12. Following the reading, you will discover that despite countless trials along the way, Paul faithfully preached the gospel in the synagogue. The study today is evangelistic, full of affection and encouragement, as well speaking to us about mission and outcome of faithful witnessing even as we plan on reaching people with the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ.

  1. From Acts 16: 1-5, what does the grammar in verses 1-2 likely suggests about Timothy`s parents and how is Timothy a suitable asset for the mission that Paul wanted Timothy on the team.

    A. What commendable qualities have you noticed about Timothy and his background that if simply applied to mission would essentially make a difference?

    B. A second view of Acts 16:3 says Paul had Timothy circumcised because of the Jews. What connection have the Jews to his circumcision, and is there any implication if it has been otherwise?

    C. Paul considered Timothy to be circumcise, but hesitant regarding Titus who was a Greek to be circumcised in Gal. 2: 3-5. Read to justify Paul`s action from Acts 15:23-29 and 1 Corinthians. 9: 19 – 23.

  2. Macedonia is on the mainland of Greece and the cities of Philippi and Thessalonica were located there (16:12). Read Acts 16: 6-10 and discuss what churches can learn that is missional about Timothy and why Paul and his team came down to Troas?

    A. In Col. 4: 14; Luke 1: 1- 4, Luke was a physician and Paul`s traveling companion. Looking at the pronoun in Acts 16: 6;11, what happened, and how should that shape our view and thinking towards the mission?

    B. On a broad view, Paul preached in the synagogue in Thessalonica on a sabbath as was his custom in Acts 17: 1-4. Explain why this is highly unlikely according to Acts 16:11-15.

    C. Lydia`s business enabled her to acquire a house large enough to accommodate Paul and his team. How did Lydia heard Paul, and what can you say about her and her household to proof God`s sovereignty in salvation in everything we do?

  3. We sometimes doubt that humans can serve as medium in contact with demons and supposedly predict the future that people doubt as true. Reading from Acts 16: 16-18, what is wrong with the slave girl, especially in her cry/call of the God of Israel.

    A. What difference has spirit of divination and fortune-telling from psychics, witches, palmistry, and face reading? Discuss how 1 John 4: 1-4 influenced Paul’s action and its implication on us about the injunction Moses gave to the Israelites in Deut. 18: 9 -14.

    B. What does James 4: 13-17 tells us about the increasing rate at which people die suddenly after seeing them cheerful? Mention and discuss five lessons from James 4:13-17 with regards to the future.

    C. The action of Paul and Silas in Acts 16: 16-19 deprives the Slave girl`s fortune-telling ability. Illustrate the grace of God on the girl from their action.

    D. Mention any reason to proof why Satan masquerades (2 Corinth. 2: 11; 11: 14) and why we should not be ignorant of his devices considering what angers her owner.

  4. Who were not seized and put in prison along with "Paul and Silas," what possibly explain the reason? What can you say to explain the charges against Paul and Silas in Acts 16:20-24 considering Acts 16: 35-40?

    A. Midnight praises was followed by a Supernatural act of God in Acts 25- 33. Discuss the happy end of the Jailer. What is most unfortunate about the Jailer that is applicable to men?

    B. Paul and Silas were being falsely accused, unjustly beaten and jailed. Using Matt. 5:44; James 1: 2-8, 1 Thess. 5: 16-18, explain why they were praising God. What could have been the reason why they refused to run from the prison when they had the chance?

    C. According to Acts 16: 35-40, the magistrate that disrespected and wrongfully treated Paul and Silas was alarmed when he heard they were Roman citizen. Why did Paul allowed himself to be beaten as a Roman citizen, but use his citizenship to escape punishment in Acts 22: 22-29?

  5. Paul and Luke reported how the Jews responded to Paul`s ministry in Philippi and Thessalonica (1 Thess. 2: 1-2; Acts 17: 5-8). What in 1 Thess. 2: 13-16 makes Paul`s ministry in Thessalonica not to be in vain but fruitful?

    A. Paul prevents himself and his ministry from being discredited, he ministered as one approved by God. With 1 Thess. 2: 3-12, list and explain what Paul emphasized that accounts for his being approved by God.

    B. Paul used the imagery of a nursing mother and a father as a portrayal of his manner of care and pure life in 1 Thess. 2: 7;11; As Christ willingly gave his life, what examples can you give to explain how this is different today?

    C. What did Paul use to distinctively show how he differ from those who criticize him, what did he refer to verify every truth about himself and why in verses 5 and 10?