Thursday Bible Study, 27th October, 2022


Text: Exodus 20: 1-17

God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai as described in Exodus 20: 1-17. It was a direct command from God that is uncommon in those days. It is the most appropriate way that God has expressed himself considering how He wanted them to show love for Him and their fellow humans. Looking at it closely, the Commandments is grouped into man`s relationship to God (Exo. 20: 1-11) and man`s relationship with humans in the community (Exo. 20: 12-17). Today`s study is about the broader implication of the law given to Moses.

  1. Considering the emphasis on the return of Christ these days, is keeping the 10 Commandments able to instruct man to live a good life and get save on the day of judgment?

    A. Why did God have to introduced Himself in Exo. 20: 1-2 before the historical prologue and the general description of the law?

    B. The word, “I am” in Exo. 20: 1-2 appears to be in the present tense. By using “I am” to describe God, what does that underscores from the reference in Exo. 3: 1-6.

    C. It is strange to hear but strangely true that before the law, the Israelites were not sensitive to their moral state. Explain what this means using Romans 3: 20

  2. Reflecting on why the law is given, read James 2: 10 and Galatians 3: 9-16. Highlight and illustrate with emphasis the broader implication of the Mosaic law.

    A. Man`s whole moral duty is summarized in Matt. 22: 37-40. What in your opinion does it mean to say the whole commandments hangs on the law and the prophets?B. In Matt. 5: 17-20, when Jesus said, I did not come to abolish the purpose of the law or the prophets but to accomplish it. What does He mean and what sort of righteousness was it about the Scribes and Pharisees that Jesus condemned?

    C. Notice that Jesus said keeping the law is necessary for one to enter life in Matt 19:16-22 and Mk. 10: 17-23. From Romans 3: 28, discuss if keeping the law can save one on the day of judgment?

  3. Reading from Mk.12:18-28, Jesus accused the Sadducees of error regarding the resurrection. What additional information did you find about the Scribe in Matt. 22: 23-36 that might have prompted him to ask Jesus about the first commandment?

    A. Explain as Good news what it means and how in a fallen state we can love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength in Mk. 12: 29-34.

    B. Define who is a neighbor and explain the statement that “A neighbor begins and starts with oneself.”

    C. What do you think makes Jesus to feel the Scribe is close to the kingdom of God?

  4. Once, Jesus responded to a pharisee with a parable about the Good Samaritan concerning who a neighbor is in Luke 10: 25-37. Briefly summarize what you read from the story.

    A. What made the Samaritan to help, and the Priest and Levite not help – Discuss any reason(s) why you want to help and do not want to help?

    B. What are somethings we can be doing to really show we love people?

  5. Use 1 John 4: 7 - 21 and explain the statement, “You cannot love without having the life of Christ in you.” In simple words, what does it mean to say that what the law demands is produce in us in 1 John 4: 16?

    A. Describe with examples any social and spiritual situations that can provoke pity in a believer, and what are the things that we can be doing to show we really love people?

    B. Paul puts forward a list of adversities and adversaries. Have you compromised during any of the listed situations?