Thursday Bible Study, 24th November, 2022


Text: Matt. 18: 15-22; Genesis 32: 1-21

We are encouraged to live in harmony, avoid irritable behavior that could result in misunderstanding, quarrel, disagreement, hatred, and possible fight because we are commanded to love one another (Jn. 13: 34-35). However, because of human fallen nature, differences can develop among individuals. But it should not be overlooked or by-passed, otherwise matters could go from bad to worse. As a matter of fact, Jacob`s careful strategy to appease his brother highlights the idea that instead of a change of heart, man may choose to scheme to resolve problem(s). We are going to study the pattern and procedure laid down by Jesus for solving and resolving problems and conflicts in a relationship that can lead to repentance among brethren in Matthew 18.

  1. Jacob is the twin brother of Esau, second-born of Isaac, and Rebecca, as well grandson of Abraham and Sarah. According to Gen. 27: 29-41, two times, Jacob supplanted Esau and had to leave Canaan for about 20 years.

    A. Read Gen. 26: 21-28 and 27: 1-13. Evaluate the moral qualities of Esau and Jacob, Isaac and Rebecca and list out the things you consider important to mention.

    B. Although Esau had vowed to kill Jacob according to Gen. 27: 41, Jacob is returning, rich in flocks, herds, and servants (Gen. 32: 1-10). What do you think could have been responsible for Jacob`s blessings?

    C. In Gen. 32: 11 we have Jacob praying. Comment on Jacob`s opinion about his brother, when he prays, what he prays and why?

Note: To be continued.