Thursday Bible Study, 29th August, 2023

TITLE: God’s mission, work, and support.

TEXT - LUKE 19: 11 - 27


The church that Paul established in Phillippi was a mixture of races, cultures, and social classes. Lydia, the purple seller, the Jailer, and the slave girl (Acts 16: 14 – 18, 22- 34). They were of different social class, yet all were encouraged to rejoice in serving Christ. The Philippians knew it was God who gave them everything they ever have acquired, best of which was salvation, and the ability to serve and support God`s work. To them, it was easy to do because they knew all things comes from God and He can do more for them for His own glory (James 1: 16 - 17; Ephe.3: 20, Deut. 8: 18; 2 Pet. 1: 3; Rom. 8: 31 - 32).

What this means is that the condition and perspective upon which God`s mission and work can be done and supported does not hinge on race, culture or social class but on the grace and truth about God with a right heart and a mindset on Christ, always rejoicing, praising and seeking the glory of God (Phil. 2: 5, 16; 1 Pet. 4: 10 - 11; Rom. 11: 36, 1 Corinth. 10: 31).

Without a doubt, learning from the unprofitable Servant in Luke 17: 7 - 10, should remind us that serving in any capacity is expected to be done to honor God and not to cause division, benefit ourselves or someone else. The same is like giving that`s why Paul describes how the Philippian brethren honored God, and for that reason, God is pleased with their giving according to Phil. 4: 17 – 20.

Today, some of us are sincerely seeking opportunity to serve and support the work of God, others hardly understand there`s something they can do while a lot more are concerned about what they can do to renew their commitment in supporting God`s work. Anyhow we feel and think, we all are called to some kind of work (Colossians 4: 17). It is time to begin searching for answers whether we are feeling overwhelmed or burdened, weary, and tired in serving and supporting God`s work because so long as we are in Christ and still in the world, Christ has called us to “Occupy till Christ returns,” this is the aim of our study.

  1. Considering 1 Kgs 18: 22, and 1 Kings 19: 10, discuss on why Elijah say he`s the only prophet left, what could prompt such kind of statement – besides, how does Elijah come to this conclusion?

    A. Why do you think God had to tell Elijah he has 7000 prophets who have not bow down to Baal in 1 kgs 19: 18. What lessons are there for us to learn?

    B. Reading from 1 Kgs 17: 7-16, what probably makes no sense to you about serving God, and what illustration of God can you make that Elijah was sent to Zarephath in the region of Sidon to meet a widow in Lk. 4: 24-26?

  2. The early Christians do different things in the New Testament, how they supported God`s wasn`t about their status. With these references confirm what was done that reflects the idea that supporting God`s work is not grounded on class status Acts 8: 26-28; 10: 1-2; 17: 4,12; Rom. 16: 21-23 and Luke 8: 1-3. What does it mean to say separation by class is not the basis why their names are mentioned.

  3. Paul gives thanks for the past and present giving of the Philippians. First, he referred to his pioneering mission in Europe as recorded in Acts 16 where he was put in prison along with Silas. It was a serious trial, and the circumstances were not good.

    A. In view of Paul`s trials, he began with “I rejoice” (Phil. 4: 10). What word or statement in Phil. 4: 10 shows the Philippians were still eager to support the work of God?

    B. According to Phil. 4: 15-16, Paul acknowledged the Philippian`s help first in Thessalonica. In view of 2 Corinth. 8: 1 - 4 and 2 Corinth. 9: 6 - 9, try to explain the meaning of the phrase, “…You lacked opportunity” (Phil. 4: 10, NIV).

    C. Mention some things which naturally tend to make people lacked the opportunity to support God`s work or even complete God`s work.

  4. With Phil. 4: 17 – 18, We learned Epaphroditus was sent to stay with Paul, he brought support from the church to Paul according to Phil. 2: 25, 30.

    A. We can say the coming of Epaphroditus with support for Paul was within what the prison allowed. However, in thanking them, Paul says he appreciated their gift, not so much because he needed it. Give the context that Paul appreciated their gift, not so much as he needed it.

    B. Consider Isa. 6: 8 - 13 and Luke 9: 57 – 62 and highlight anything you find to be important. Why do you think people give excuses in doing God`s work, and if asked to go and do God`s work or carry a gift for God`s work, do you feel prepared to say to God, “send me?”

    C. With Phil. 4: 11-13, define contentment and comment on whether contentment happen naturally, or it is a habitual practice and a form of Christian growth and development (1 Corinth. 9: 24-27).

  5. According to 2 Corinth. 12: 13, Paul refused financial support for himself but collected support for the Macedonian church. Why did he refuse support as their spiritual father yet asked the Romans for support to Spain in Rom. 15: 24?

    A. It is wise to ultimately rely on Christ`s strength as Paul feels sufficient in the strength of Chris, Phil. 4: 13. What point is Paul making in Phil. 4: 16-17. What idea of Christian growth is there when Paul says he is not concerned about the Philippians giving than about their spiritual development?

    B. Paul requested collection on the first day of the week from the church in Corinth according to 1 Corinth. 16: 1 – 4. With this, explain the concept of tithing in view of the New Testament grace cheerful giving (Ephe. 4: 28 and Gal. 6: 2).