Thursday Bible Study, 29th June, 2023


TEXT - Luke 19: 11 - 27


The parable for our study takes up what is parallel to the story about what happened to Archelaus, son of Herod the Great who came to power in 4 B.C. and built a palace in Jericho about six and half-hours’ walk and 18 miles from Jerusalem. During this time, kings in Roman Provinces like Galilee and Perea go to Rome to receive their kingdom.

In like manner, following the resurrection, Jesus leaves the world to receive the kingdom which explains His sudden departure and expected return to establish His kingdom when He will reign personally upon the earth someday, a Millenium reign of righteousness and peace on earth.

The parable in Luke 19: 11-27 is meant to emphasize the idea of readiness for the return of Christ and the need to bring others or extend the opportunity to others that underscore the importance of being ready for His return. The implication is that no matter how longer the time it would take for Christ`s return, there`s no room for the unprepared when He returns.

  1. The word “kingdom of God” occurs in the Bible, but frequently many failed to understand. Their understanding differs with Jesus and He gave no indication of being that kind of king.

    A. In view of Acts 3: 19-21, what could be responsible for the feeling and notion, attitude, and action of king Herod the Great, John the Baptist, the disciples, and others about Christ`s kingdom in Matt. 2: 1 - 13, 16 - 18; Matt. 11: 2 - 9, Acts 1: 4 - 8, John 6: 10 – 15, Luke 17: 20 - 30?

    B. Reading from the second advent in Luke 19: 11, why do you think Jesus gave the parable, and why was Jerusalem additional reason for Jesus to have given the parable?

  2. It appears from Luke 19: 12 and Matt. 25: 14, Jesus may be communicating a message in both parables regarding the kingdom.

    A. Look at how Jesus likens the man in the parable with traveling to “…a far country.” Who exactly does the man in the journey represents?

    B. Considering the parable of the virgins in Matt. 25: 1 - 13, what does travel to a far country illustrate and the lesson is there for us to learn?

  3. Jesus may be communicating a message in Luke 19: 13-14 about the minas with the statement, “Occupy till I come.” What do you understand with this statement?

    A. From 1 Corinth. 15: 22-27; Hebrew 2: 14-16, Rom. 8: 31-39, we see death as unpleasant experience and man is held in slavery by the fear of death. Describe the blessed promises of afterlife and every opportunity awaiting Christ`s followers?

    B. Reflecting on Mk. 9: 33 - 39, what do we love rather than occupying before the return of Christ – mention the different ways the church failing to highlight Jesus` teaching today?

    C. During the transfiguration in Luke 9: 27 - 36, Jesus refused to grant the disciples request to make their experience permanent. What does Col. 1: 24 - 29 remind you of in view of what they were enjoying and why Jesus refused their request.

  4. Believers are warned about the world in 1 John 2: 15 - 17 to easily understand the physical kingdom of this world falls below the standard of Christ`s kingdom because the world system is ruled by Satan according to John 14: 30.

    A. Read John 3: 1 – 7 and explain what the Bible mentioned as first qualification to be in God`s kingdom. Mk. 8: 31 -33; Matt. 6: 31 – 34 and 1 Corinth. 9: 16 - 18 has exposed what we must be mindful to remain blessed partakers in God`s kingdom.

    B. Minas is considered a measure of money slightly above 3 months wages. If as asserted, a mina is more of a talent, what does that tell you about the servants in Lk. 19: 13 - 14 compared to those in Matt. 25: 14 – 25

    C. Is the servant presumptuous when he said, “I know you,” and “I fear you,” in Matt. 25: 24-30; Luke 19: 20 - 27? Explain the servant knowledge and fear of master that the Bible is referencing from what it has provoked.

  5. In Mk. 8, Jesus together with His disciples were around Caesarea Philippi, He ask them, “Who do people say I am?”

    A. In your conversation with people, what do you hear people make of Jesus apart from what Peter said in Matt. 16: 16?

    B. What other reason(s) could be responsible for people Jesus ignoring salvation in Mk. 7: 17 – 20, 31 - 37; Mk. 8: 11 – 15; John 6: 26 and 2 Corinth. 4: 4; James 4: 13 – 17.

    C. Trace two most important implicating aspect of the parable in Luke 19: 11 – 27 related to the return of Christ.