Thursday Bible Study, 25th May, 2023

TITLE: The Reforms of Nehemiah - Nehemiah 13: 1-31


The Bible records reforms associated to backslidden people and nation. Because we live in a morally perverse society, ungodliness is seen everywhere even among Christians. Spiritual burnout, contention among church members is becoming more and more common and so many Christian marriages are ending in divorce. Today, extra-marital affairs are gaining acceptance everywhere in the world with significant impact on the testimony of the church begging for reform. The point to make here is that this moral pervasiveness is not a recent problem - Nehemiah faced it. What is the cause of all of these in our world today and even in the days of Nehemiah? For the most part, it starts when people begin to accept and tolerate everyone and everything. Our study records a reform instituted by Nehemiah as he encountered various problems to show us what he did so we can be aware of what to expect when we accept and tolerate everyone and everything and to teach us what we must do to experience possible reform.

  1. To initiate a reform, Nehemiah had to return to Jerusalem and sternly confront certain individuals. Reading from Neh. 13: 1 - 31.

    A. Neh. 13: 1 - 3 states that the people discover that the law of Moses forbids

    Ammonites and Moabites from entering the assembly of God and people of mixed

    ancestry are immediately expelled. What did Nehemiah wanted the people to be

    aware of when he set them to first listen to the reading of Scripture?

    B. Trace any reason why God did not want the Ammonites and Moabites to enter the

    assembly of God in Deut. 23: 3 - 5. Explain your answer considering the story of Ruth from the Bible in Ruth1: 12 - 16 and Matt. 1: 1 - 16.

    C. Neh. 9: 2 states that those of Israel lineage separated themselves from foreigners. What does Neh. 13: 1 - 3 suggest to you about the Israelites – Read 1 Corinth. 15: 33 - 34 and comment on the implication this has on us today.

  2. According to Neh. 13: 4 - 5, storerooms were set in the temple. List what the rooms are used for, who has authority over the storerooms and why.

    A. From Neh. 13: 4 - 9, what`s the occasion when Eliashib the high priest cleared a

    larger and smaller rooms for Tobiah.

    B. With reference to Neh. 13: 7 - 9, comment on what`s going on here in view of

    Nehemiah`s action alongside Tobiah`s attitude considering what he did during the

    building of the wall in Neh. 2: 10, 19; 4: 3; 6: 10 -12, 17, 19.

    C. The room occupied by Tobiah was used for storing grain. In your opinion, why is it

    necessary for the rooms to be cleansed before grains and other items were used


  3. Read about the Levites in Nehemiah 13: 10 - 14. Who were the Levites, what happened to them, how did they react? What was wrong that holds true according to Malachi. 3: 8 - 10.

    A. Nehemiah recalls the Levites to duties, and the people of Judah support them once again. What must have prompted Nehemiah to choose faithful men for distribution of gifts Nehemiah 7:2; 1 Corinth. 4:2; 2 Tim. 2:2?

    B. In your own words, how would you explain or describe Nehemiah`s prayer?

  4. Regarding profaning the sabbath in Nehemiah 13:15 - 22, trace out those who profane the sabbath, what they did and how Nehemiah react?

    A. Reading the response of Jesus to the accusation about the sabbath that his disciples were breaking the law in Mark 2:23 - 28; Matt. 12:1 - 8 and Luke. 6:1 - 5, what do you think is Nehemiah`s major concern?

    B. Mention those who married foreign women in Neh. 13:23 - 27. With Ezra 9:1 - 4 and Nehemiah 10: 30 in mind, discuss why Nehemiah was worried and confrontational in his attempt to stop them.

    C. What has Nehemiah discovered in Neh. 2: 10; 13: 23 - 31. Who in your view is the most prominent offender – Justify your answer with what Nehemiah did to restore and establish order.