
We, as God`s children regard Jesus as our God, the Shepherd of our soul and Friend. As we approach Christmas, the ember months should remind us of the predictions, promises and references to Jesus in the Bible unless Jesus` purpose for coming into our world to be born is no longer crucial for us. In John 3: 35, Jesus states that ‘… The scripture are about Me.’ To be sure we understand, every truth about Jesus is supposed to guide and shape our identity daily in the world and make us serve Him diligently. As such, because ember months, Christmas and New is known to be full of atrocities, temptation, accident etc., we must ask once again, what does Jesus mean to us, and why do you think we were saved.

First, Christmas is about Jesus being sent to bind up our broken hearts, proclaim freedom for us as captives to Satan and slaves to sin - He came to proclaim the Lord`s favor and comfort us when we mourn and grief, as well display His splendor in our broken world to convince the world that except in Christ`s birth, death and resurrection, beauty cannot come out of ashes, joy from despair and freedom from sin is impossible – Isa. 61: 1 – 3.

So, if you don`t mind, let us attempt an answer to this question, why are ember months associated with all kinds of atrocities because the Bible says, ‘Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he Himself tempts no one,’ – James 1: 13.

It would not be until we know of Christ`s death and resurrection and remind ourselves during the ember months about the reality of His person being conscious of the sole purpose for our existence, freedom will be hard because there is no freedom in just doing what we want. As you know, if given the slightest opportunity, Satan wants people to remain prisoners to him, humiliate believers and bring them to despair to distract them from God`s mission, and so much of these happens during these seasons. These are the reason for our study so we can celebrate Christmas as truly saved and free, bringing others to Christ.

  1. The Old Testament is the story of God`s dealing with the Hebrew nation for the purpose of bringing into the world a Messiah for ALL nations. What are the initial thoughts, assumptions, and expectations about Gen. 49:10, Hosea 11:1, Isa.7:14, 9: 1-2, 53:3, Zech. 9:9, 11: 12-13 Mic.5:2, Psa. 22:16 and how did that evolve or change over time.

    A. Were there moments when you doubted or questioned your thoughts about Christ and why He had been born. If so, what helped you navigate through those thoughts and affirm your commitment to follow Christ that you now celebrate Christmas with understanding and confidence.

    B. How has these prophecies impacted your faith to maintain a balance between leaning on Christ`s comfort and seeking spiritual support from a faith community or fellow believers – Gal. 6: 2.

  2. Considering the Supernatural conception of the Virgin Birth in Luke 1: 26 -38, very little was told of Joseph though further reference to him is that he was carpenter, and head of at least seven children in Matt. 13: 55 - 56. With Lk. 2: 4. 16, 33, 43, 51 and Matt. 2:13, 19 – 23, describe Joseph as a good man, and provide the context of a good man with Matt. 19: 16 – 26.

  3. According to Luke 4: 16 – 21, Jesus reads from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue in Nazareth and ends His reading in verse 2. Consider Isa. 61: 1 - 3 and clarify to someone who wants to respond to the Gospel why Luke ends in Isa. 61: 2 since verse 3 shed more light on the mission and work of the Messiah.

    A. When you contemplate on the mission of Christ to bring Good News to the poor and save man from sin in Matt 1: 18 - 21, you recognize according to John 10: 10, Satan has a different mission from Christ. Since we are called to examine our lives in 2 Corinth. 13: 5, how can you say you have experience freedom in Christ and equipped with God`s wisdom that you`re no longer driven by selfish ambition and worldly gain.

    B. As believers, we can be sure we`re rich according to 1 Peter 1; 4. From Psa. 49: 20, what`s the implication of not knowing you`re rich as a believer. With Isa. 61: 1 - 3 and Luke 10: 30 – 37, describe riches and wealth. What story about yourself makes you redefine riches because of Christ and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

  4. Peter`s confession reveals Jesus as the Christ the Son of God in Matt. 16: 16 – 17 and testifies to how God Has anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power according to Acts 10: 38. Discuss every truth about Jesus and what His incredible Anointing signifies, and how this powerful truth is supposed to impact on our lives.

    A. As good steward of God`s grace according to 1 Peter 4: 10, what will you say about the role of the Shepherds in Luke 2: 8 – 20 that is significant to help you to begin thinking of the other side of believers work with God.

    B. In Luke 2: 13 – 14, the Nativity scene broke in praise with a great heavenly host because of Jesus in a manger. In view of the Nativity scene, read Jeremiah 1: 5 with Ephesians 2:10 and explain why Jesus should mean everything to you and you want to praise God because you have seen and have discerned the purpose of God for you in ECWA Canada and feel accountable to God and His mission.

  5. Special men from the east known as wise men attended the birth of Jesus with gold, myrrh, and Frankincense, as gift and worship Him Matt. 2: 1 - 11. What a child will do with such a gift leaves room for more theological questions.

    A. As recipients of God`s grace and those who experienced freedom in Christ, we are called to love our enemies and engage in good works Matt. 5: 43 -48, Eph 2: 10. What would this teaching of Jesus directing Israel to love their enemies have meant to Jews who wanted Jesus to deal ruthlessly with the Romans.

    B. Contemplate engaging in faith conversation with a new believer in the church or someone else during Christmas from Scriptures related to the Great Commission in Matt. 28: 18 – 20, and Spiritual gifts in 1 Corinth. 12: 1 - 11 and Romans 12: 6 – 8. Mention some of the things you must know as you plan your conversation.