Christmas Reflection


Inasmuch as last month of the year is with us and we are thinking of Christmas and New year celebrations, we have so much to be thankful for and so much to remind ourselves of because God`s salvation plan includes ’whoever’ chooses to acknowledge, accept, and follow Jesus. How God interrupted our broken world with a message of hope about the birth of the Saviour is one thing in the world and is something more than the human mind can totally understand [Luke 1:26 - 38,2: 8-11]

First, it is normal during Christmas to reflect on Christ as the special gift from God to man [John 3: 16 -17]. Because of the reason and purpose of His birth, it would be good to attempt some conversations related to Christ`s birth during Christmas. We all know as a fact that nothing is more important than the grace of God and Jesus is all the blessing God intends for man to seek. No wonder, the ‘New Testament highlighted ‘Grace’ not as blessing or an influence from God which Man could receive, but rather an attribute of God which governs God`s attitude to Man. It goes on to mean, Christmas is everything about the grace of God for man which we all don`t deserved.

Looking around us, we need to yield to the fact and recognize the decline of Christianity in our world during this celebration period so we can admit the full extent of our role as Christians since the whole essence of Christmas is that Christ came to live and reign in the hearts of Men as Saviour and Lord. So, whatever we see happening in the world and whatever Satan brings or whatever lies across our path, we have a responsibility to celebrate the birth of Christ who loves and freed us from bondage with what is happening these days in mind, serving Christ in the freshness of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, grace is no longer grace and the world may misunderstand God`s Divine Purpose’ why Jesus had to be born completely.


  1. Report has it that Canada is a very large country with people of different cultural backgrounds. People in Canada send Christmas cards to friends and family, others decorate their homes with Christmas trees, lights and decorations, and roasted turkey[s] is served as the main Christmas meal, with cakes, elaborate exchange of gifts etc., Children also watch and visit to catch fun with Santa Claus.

    On a different level, Christmas in Nigeria is more of a family event when family members travel from cities to villages and vice visa to join with parents, grandparents, and other relations and friends to celebrate, go to church in new dresses and rice as the main Christmas meal is shared with neighbors with a few gifts, evening is full of traditional dances and parties for fun.

    A. The above statement is increasingly the case every year and is widely accepted. Choose your preferred celebration of Christmas in Canada or Nigeria and explain any reason[s] behind your choice.

    B. Assuming a choice is forced on you and you feel differently, comment on what Christmas is ALL about and distinguish yourself from how you planned your celebration.

    C. In view of 1 Peter 3: 15 discuss how you can convince or debate to convince anyone who has a strong opposition to your preferred choice of Christmas celebration in Canada or Nigeria.

  2. According to Luke 2: 1 - 14, the angel appeared to the shepherds and Luke 2: 15 – 20 has it that the Shepherds left their sheep and hurried off to see the baby Jesus. Why, in your view, were shepherds chosen. Comment on why God chose an angel to announce and proclaim Jesus`s birth to the shepherds and the implication today.

    A. Describe the life of a shepherd from the Nigerian context and give your understanding of how the purpose of these shepherds in Luke 2: 1 – 20 has changed significantly before and after they heard the angel and since they saw the baby Jesus.

    B. From Matt. 4: 19 – 22, share with specific example[s] how your relationship with Jesus has given you a sense of purpose in a particular area that you want to apply during this period of Christmas moving forward.

  3. Our world is riddled with pain and destruction resulting in heartache that we all experienced and witness either directly or indirectly. We need to recall also; Jesus took our human form and entered our world in pains and suffering along a life purpose and tries to overcome life challenges within the will of the Father John 1: 14; Matt 27: 46.

    A. Reading from Matt. 2: 1 – 12, how will you define purpose, and what can you say was wise about the 3 wisemen. From Matt 2: 13 – 18, how did Christ’s parents endure hardship and fear during his birth, what encourage and informed your ability to find peace in your own challenging circumstances.

    B. Today, people are confused about identity and purpose. But Jesus offers understanding about who we were made to become as his followers in James 1:1; Titus 1:1; Colossians 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1; Jude 1:1. From Romans 3: 25 – 26, comment on how the cross has become a symbol of hope that even in our brokenness we can find restoration and salvation from Romans 3: 25 – 26 .

    C. In Matthew 1:21, Jesus has a mission to save his people from their sin. As noted in Matt. 28: 16 - 20, Jesus has fulfilled His mission as described in a certain way that underscores believers have a mandate to share the gospel. Explain the driving force of Jesus` commissioning of the disciple for us to spread Christianity across the globe.