Thursday Bible Study, 20th April, 2023

Title : Working with Conviction and Courage


The body of Christ is supposed to be a team or group of people working together for the expansion of God`s kingdom. According to Eccl. 4: 9 – 10, two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one because human beings are social creatures and major achievements have not been the result of a single person working in isolation. That is why complex tasks require coordination of different people working together and successful church work is always the result of teamwork. In addition, teamwork allows church members to blend their strengths and perspective to achieve spiritual mission purposes. In one sense, our study is concerned with Nehemiah who chronicles the third return to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem (ca. 445 BC) after the second return led by Ezra (458 BC) to explain the challenges that comes with God`s work and the need for collaborative teamwork and the creation of a positive environment that will provide opportunity for people to use their God-given talents and spiritual gifts to serve.

  1. True to God`s promise of judgement and because the Israelites persisted in their unfaithfulness to the covenant, God chastised them with 70 years of captivity in Babylon (Jer. 25: 11). But God`s covenant influence him to look favorably upon the Jews as the book of Esther gives a glimpse of the Jews in Persia when Haman attempted to eliminate the Jewish race.

    A. Considering Ezra 1: 1-11 about the Israelites period of second return from exile after Zerubbabel and Joshua (Ezra 1-6), what did King Cyrus do that reflects the powerful testimony about God`s greatness in Isaiah 45: 13.

    B. Neh. 1: 1-11 records a report to Nehemiah about Judah, his reaction and prayer. In addition to Neh. 2: 1-8, what do you understand about Nehemiah`s relationship to Susa and Judah that was responsible for his actions - Mentioned and discus anything significant that you find in his prayer.

  2. From Neh. 2: 17-18, after Nehemiah had inspected Jerusalem, he was distressed by what he saw. Looking at the credentials of Nehemiah, why do you think he should worry, and why did the sight of the wall and gates of Jerusalem matter so much to him (See, Eze. 22: 25-30; Job 1: 10; Song of songs 8: 10; Jn. 10: 7; Rev. 21: 12; Gen. 22: 12, Prov. 1; 25: 28, Gen. 19: 1, Deut. 21: 18-21)

    A. In view of other historical notes, why do you think Nehemiah felt the task of building the wall requires faithful cooperation, teamwork, as well as discerning between genuine offers of help.

    B. Harsh words, divisive questions, and rude comments might be the ways people come against us. Comment on the remarks of Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem for what was intended in Neh. 2: 9-10; 19-20; 4: 1-3.

  3. Obedience to God does not remove opposition. Suffice this to mean the more we live out our faith in Christ, the more people will oppose what they don`t fully understand. How does 1 Peter 4: 12-16; Rm. 12: 17-19,21 help to prepare us when we are wronged.

    A. Despite opposition, harassment and attack, the community of faith built a massive stone wall around Jerusalem in 52 days. How did Nehemiah take those opposing him, and how did he get the courage to come halfway in the work (See, Neh. 4: 4-6).

    B. Satan`s scheme is to discourage God`s work. Ezra 6: 19-22 reveals a setback, the Jews stopped the temple work in Ezra 4: 9-16, 21. Use this statement to support what accounts for full scale opposition in Neh. 4: 7-8 and Satan`s strategy in Neh. 4:10-11 to stop the wall halfway to its completion.

  4. What asked the Israelites to bring out their swords, spears, and bows. In other words, he asked them to bring their armor. To put things in perspective, read Ephe. 6: 10-18; 2 Corinth. 10: 4-6; I Jn. 4:4 and explain what it means.

    A. Read Sanballat`s friendly offer in Neh. 6: 1-4. Think about the subtlety and what it was all about - Review Exo. 12: 1-13 and discuss the events that lead to a greater deliverance. What in your opinion makes people accept friendly offers blindly?

    B. The wall has reached its completion, enemies intimidating the Israelites were stunned (Neh. 6: 15 – 16). An account of the wall dedication service appears in Neh.12: 27 – 43. Reflect and comment on this joyous time of worship, singing, and celebration.

    C. Once again, take note of the description of Jerusalem`s physical structures and the condition of the people in Neh. 1: 1-3. Has that helped or changed your thought on the work of God and the way you should put to work the talents and spiritual gifts which God has given you?