Thursday Bible Study, July 28, 2022


We all appear to be on fire by what the Lord has poured into our hearts from the just concluded retreat. But the way to keeping a fire burning is looking ahead to what the Lord was calling on us to be doing. Part of what we discussed and planned to be doing is directly referenced in the Bible and we must be uncompromising in our lifestyle to share the gospel. You know, we would not be right to refer to ourselves as saved ignoring the fact that like the jailer, many are asking, “What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16: 30-31. Like Paul, today`s study is to prepare us to respond, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”

  1. Paul in Ephesians. 4: 1-3 is showing the foundation upon which we must ground our mission. Mention anything Paul was pointing attention to that we must seek to be doing daily.

    A. Reflecting on Ephesians. 4: 1-3, share a situation where a particular objective was not achieved in the church because of lack of unity and suggest anything we should be doing to preserve our unity in the homeland.

    B. In Phil. 3: 2-7, Paul talked of his confidence in the flesh. He told the Philippians to seek whatever is righteous in Phil.4: 1-3. Thereafter, Paul appealed to Euodia and Syntyche to agree in Phil.4: 1-3 and told the Philippians to do whatever is righteous by settling them. How is his wisdom helpful in settling public matter?

    C. Partnership is a familiar concept according to Amos 3: 3; 1 Corinthians 3: 5-7; Prov. 27: 17 and Phil. 1: 3-5. From these passages, discuss with example(s) the attitude that can either encourage or discourage gospel partnership in a significant way.

    D. Partnership involves teamworking, interacting with people, joining of ideas, blending programs, assisting others, and setting up activities. In what practical ways can we accustom ourselves to advance the gospel using any of these means?

  2. Far from home in Ephesus, Apollos became mighty in Scripture and effective preacher according to Acts 18: 24-28. Discuss how it all happened looking at the lives of Priscilla and Aquilla.

    A. Considering what Priscilla and Aquilla did to Apollos, how does that help you apply Titus 2:3 -5? Mention and discuss some practical things we could be doing.

    B. Read 1 Peter 3: 13-16. How does this serve as a warning to you? Thoughtfully consider why meekness, fear and good conscience are mentioned in our hope to be defending our faith in 1 Peter 3: 13-16.

    C. List the opportunities available to you to witness that you never thought of or that you have been neglecting. How would you want the church to come alongside and help you understand the gospel and how to witness more accurately?

    D. Read 1 Corinthians 9: 19-22 and explain how you comprehend what Paul is saying? Discuss how religion, hours at work, knowledge, fear, recognition, and identity is a spiritual warfare and barriers to soul winning. How can this battle be fought from continuing?

  3. Two great commandments are to love God and love others. Apart from love for God and others, how is accepting hospitality more than sharing meal in Rm. 12: 13; 1 Tim. 5: 10; Hebrews13:2; 1 Peter 4:9; Gen. 18: 1-8; Acts 2: 44-45

    A. Because the practice of giving and accepting hospitality is a way of identifying with people and making community, what can we be doing as a mission to intentionally increase and preserve this practice seeing the diversity in Canada.

    B. We learn about the different roles in the life of a church that are used to equip all saints to function in ministry from Ephe. 4:11. Explain that in view of Andrew meeting the Messiah and running to find his brother in John 1: 35-40.

    C. John 4: 1- 42 highlights the length Jesus goes out of his way to go through Samaria to interact with a woman. Describe anytime you went off your way to start up a conversation. What is the nature of the conversation, and how has that led to a conviction to accept Christ?