MAY 26, 2022


The testing of Abraham is a strange biblical command in its entire narrative. No wonder, some people thought, perhaps something got lost from the text or probably God has lost his thought when He told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mt. Moriah as a burnt offering. But with Abraham and Isaac depicting God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, it appears to say there`s more the account is trying to describe far more for us to understand in our study.

  1. The statement, “…It came to pass,” connected the sad departure of Ishmael with Hagar, and Abraham`s parting treaty with Abimelech and Phichol in Gen. 21: 22-24. Looking at Gen. 21: 6-14, why did Abraham feel offended and was unwilling to listen to Sarah?

    A. Read Gen. 21: 15-18 and Gen. 22: 15-18. What did God mean? With Gen. 22: 3 and Gal. 4: 23, comment on the implication of these blessings as is widely understood today.

    B. God tested Abraham. Consider the ideas in James 2: 13-14, Deut. 12: 31 and Jer. 7: 3 and explain the context of testing in Gen. 22:1. What further lessons about testing have you found in 2 Chron. 32:31; Exo. 20:20 and Deut. 8:2; 6: 16.

    C. Gen. 22: 2 is the first occurrence of the word “Love” in the Bible. How does Abraham`s love for Isaac foreshadows the love of God for Jesus in Matt. 3:17;

    Mk. 1: 11; Lk. 3: 22 and Jn. 3:16.

  2. From Genesis 22: 4-5, describe how Abraham`s willingness to obey God can be a result of what happened at the beginning in Gen 12: 1-5 and Gen. 13: 5-13; Gen. 16: 1-3; 17:15-18 and Gen: 21: 1-4.

    A. Abraham told his servants to “stay behind so he and Isaac can go, worship and return. Because Abraham mentioned the word worship for the first time, read Amos 5: 21-23 and discuss any fresh lesson about worship you have learned.

    B. From Job 19: 25-27and Hebrew 11: 17-19, what glimpse of God`s power made

    Abraham to say “he and Isaac will return” before sacrificing Isaac? What did Job

    mean in Job 19: 25-27?

    C. Reflect on the idea that Isaac was to be sacrificed as a Burnt offering on Mt. Moriah. What is common about Burnt offering among biblical sacrifices in Lev. 8: 18-21.

  3. What could have made Abraham to say “The Lord will provide for Himself a lamb…Gen. 22: 6-8? Why do you think Isaac took his father`s word about the lamb and was not suspicious of him in Genesis 22: 9-14?

    A. Mt. Moriah where God told Abraham to offer Isaac is in Old city Jerusalem top of

    Temple Mt. What have you found about the Mt. Moriah in 2 Samuel 24: 18-21; Jn 2:15. Discuss how the Temple Mt. currently controlled in fulfilment of the prophecy of Luke 21: 24?

    B. From Gen. 22:15-19, trace and discuss anything that stands out to you. At what point did the angel stopped the sacrifice of Isaac. What idea about obedience have you learned?