Maintaining Holiness in Service Before God - Hebrews. 12: 14


Much of the book of Leviticus is devoted to teaching God`s people to observe the boundary between things that were clean and things that were unclean. The distinction between those two was important because God wanted His people to be different and several verses in Leviticus 7 introduce the idea of being clean before God. Moreover, the place of worship is expected to be clean. Isaiah cited these principles in Leviticus when he urged God`s people to touch nothing unclean as they prepare to return to Jerusalem and the temple [Isa. 52: 11 – 12].

In the Sacrificial system, God established a pattern, and we need to see how it continues in the church in the New Testament because Paul highlighted the same principle as Isaiah when writing Christians in Corinth to stay away from uncleanliness and obey God according to 2 Cor. 6: 17. Our relationship with God is like that today to stay – God wants us to remain clean and obedient in worshipping and serving Him. In other words, God`s purpose for an altar of sacrifice was to provide a place where people would come into His God`s presence and offer sacrifices to atone for sin.

Recalling how the word of God came to Habakkuk that, ‘…The vision is yet for an appointed time,’ – Hab. 2: 3. Likewise, the plan of God for our salvation was for an appointed time as is seen from the Old Testament where God referred to atonement repeatedly in connection with sacrifice. Because we have sinned, atonement is necessary for us to be reconciled to God so we can come into His presence. Today, our study will reveal how this plan of God was unfolded in Jesus as the whole plan of God for man`s salvation and forgiveness. He was the real Passover Lamb for our forgiveness and cleansing [John1: 29]. As well, Christ is our strength for obedience and service [Phil. 4: 9 – 13].


  1. The first five chapters in Leviticus describe God`s instructions concerning the five

    types of sacrifices where sacrificial animal was killed and burned on the altar in

    the place of the sincere sinner to atone for the sin that was committed.

    A. First, what from the Bible do you think makes an animal clean or unclean?

    B. Read Lev. 6: 14, 16 -18, 25 and Lev. 17: 1, 5 – 8, 11. List the different types of

    offering that was mentioned and discuss how the Bible begins the description of

    each offering and God`s original intention.

    C. During the sacrificial system until the New Testament period, God commanded

    some kind of support for spiritual leaders 1 Cor. 9: 7 – 14, Gal. 6: 6. Jesus

    states the same principle in Matt. 10: 10, Luke 10: 8. What greater application is

    in this command since Jesus did not command support or care for Himself


  2. The New Testament says all followers are priests in a sense [1 Pet. 2: 9 and Rev.

    1: 9] Is there a way to explain to a friend how the church can establish a pattern

    from the sacrificial system of providing for priests and Levites in the churches


    A. Some people believe the Old Testament is full of rules regarding external

    religion and not matters related to the heart. Read Lev. 19; 9 – 18 and

    describe virtues that should characterize our lives! On the call to holiness in

    Heb. 12; 14, how many times did God said that to His people according to

    Lev. 11; 44, 45, 19; 2, 20; 26.

    B. The sacrifices in the Old Testament point to the ultimate sacrifice, the Lord

    Jesus. Considering Lev. 21 why did God restrict priestly service to men who

    had no blemishes, and why is this important for Christians to remember.

    C. To show the gap between Holy God and Moses, God instructed him not to

    come closer in Exo. 3: 1 - 5. Now, according to 1 Pet. 2: 9, 1 Cor. 1: 30, and

    Ephe. 1: 4, Heb. 10: 19 - 22, how might we be accepted by God if He is so


  3. When Jesus was proving the resurrection to the Sadducees in Mk. 12: 26 - 27,

    there was a statement that speaks something about the relationship that was

    spoke of earlier In Exodus 3: 1 - 8 and Josh. 5: 13 – 15. What in your view is

    God alluding to in Exodus 2: 24?

    A. Reading closely at Exo. 3: 11 - 13 and Exo. 4: 11 - 22, mention and discuss

    everything that has encouraged you from this section of God`s conversation with

    Moses in the passage.

    B. When reading Col. 1: 13 – 23, a list of some ways was mentioned to describe

    Christ as head of ‘all things in heaven and things on earth.’ List some ways that

    Christ is head of all things in heaven and on earth.

    C. When do God`s people have access into His presence? Considering Exodus 3:

    12, 18, what in your opinion is the ultimate purpose of salvation and what results

    are secondary.